There are numerous tools that exist or are to be launched in the social media space. I engage or experiment with a number of them regularly, but LinkedIn stands high above the rest for being a place where real value is created, not only for my personal, brand, but also to my ability to solve problems. In particular the feature that allows you to ask questions of individuals within a particular industry has been extremely helpful to me. I sometimes use it to confirm a hunch and other times to get the sense of options that I might have related to a problem. The attached link will walk you through where to find the feature and give some additional insights. LinkedIn Q&A. (The video focuses more on the lead generation aspect of the feature than I use it for).
What social media tool do you gain the most bottom-line value from? How do get the most value from LinkedIn?
I recently added LinkedIn as one of my many social media tools. Although I am not fully aware of all its capabilities, I have found some of them quite helpful. I used the "find users in industry" feature to investigate other users in the field I would like to go into (pharmaceutical marketing). This feature proved to be an excellent tool to further investigate the transitions of these professionals in their specific field. It was also quite helpful in providing a medium to further contact them. LinkedIn would be best utilized if you use a central individual to create additional connections. This method provides a basis for the start-up introduction and provides for a comfortable exchange.