A place to think out loud on building out an idea.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Personal Challenge

Taking the hard path up the mountain on Twitpic

Reading after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits.  Any man who reads too much and uses his brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. -- Albert Einstein

Anyone who knows me knows I love to read.  At an early age, I was encouraged to take a book where ever I went.  This has followed with me into adult life.  While there are much worse habits to have, as an entrepreneur,  too much reflection can slow you down.  As a friend has said to me, it can lead to the Paralysis of Analysis.  I am challenging myself to PUT THE BOOK DOWN, and be even more action oriented.  I am not cutting out reading altogether, but am going to do a better job of keeping it in perspective with all of the other things that need to be accomplished to meet my goals .

Do you have this challenge?  If so, how have you attempted to address it?  If this is not your entrepreneurial challenge, share an insight into a challenge you are working to improve upon..

1 comment:

  1. I read less finished products (books, mags, etc...) than I did a decade or so ago, but I do read just as much, if not more, via the internet. With the web, the ideas seem a bit fresher, albeit not as well-formed.
