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Monday, February 22, 2010

Refuse to Live in Comfortable Mediocrity - the Path to Being an Entrepreneur

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IT entrepreneur, Michael Warren, once revealed to me that one of his greatest fears is being relegated to a life of "comfortable mediocrity."  For Mr. Warren, the status quo is not an option.  The refusal to live a life of comfortable mediocrity is a common denominator that most successful entrepreneurs share.  It is their refusal to be satisfied with the status quo that keeps pushing them to set and achieve new goals. 

In today's society, it is easy to fall into a life of comfortable mediocrity.  Once we have our graduate degrees, "good" jobs, beautiful homes, and nice cars, it becomes very easy to stop challenging ourselves to move to the next level of achievement, whether that next level is setting new financial goals, implementing a new vision, or being more involved in the community.  Mr. Warren has determined that one of the ways he knows it is time for him to leave one professional opportunity to create another is by asking himself the following question:  "If everything goes according to plan, where will I be?"  If that answer is just the next rung of the corporate ladder or a position that does not require him to stretch himself intellectually or learn new skills, he knows it is time to leave for a new opportunity.   Mr. Warren says we should constantly aspire to be “something we'd like to be, but are not.”  He believes the key to success is to be the best at what you do so that people believe if they don't invest in you, the competition will.  Once you adopt this as part of your belief system, there can be no room for comfortable mediocrity.

Michael Warren also reminds aspiring entrepreneurs that as you seek to accomplish the goals of building wealth and creating institutions, it is important to act in a "patient, but relentless" fashion.  Acting in this manner will help you develop fortitude and staying- power, while strategically and carefully implementing and executing your vision. 

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