I want to share a couple of simple ideas that have come to mind because of the activities over the last couple of weeks. Each could later serve as an extended blog post.
- Implement Daily. I was at a realtor association's banquet on Friday and had a great conversation with a realtor from Scottsdale, AZ. While we shared a ton of ideas, this is what I will remember from her. Those of us who lean towards being overly reflective, need to remind ourselves to put all of the great ideas we have in our head into action.
- Face Your Fears/Challenges Head On. Name the issues and confront them
- Get Organized. You might see some opportunity once you clear away the clutter
- Be a Guinea Pig. I recently attended a Social media Bootcamp and out of that, two things happened that I couldn't have planned for. First, I received an interview on the spot that served as a blog post for one of the sponsors and I also struck up a relationship with another participant in which I am serving as a Guinea Pig for the early stages of an application he is building.
- Never too late to do the right thing. If you know you should do something, DO IT!
- Be Thankful. Because bad can get worse.